El Exito Esta En Frente Tuyo

Los 3 Pasos Secretos Para el Exito Personal y Profesional

Tuviste Exito Anteriormente…

Success Is Right In Front Of You

Tu sabes como leer y escribir porque aplicaste una serie de pasos muy simples:

Primero, Comenzaste.
Segundo, Seguiste adelante sin preguntar mucho el proceso de aprendizaje.
y Tercero, Terminaste

Exito requiere solamente 3 pasos muy simple:

Lo mas interesante es esto:

Tuviste que poner de ti el Primer y Tercer paso…

Pero el Segundo paso, necesito un buen proceso o “Formula”…

Pero en realidad, no nos sentimos que somos “Exitosos” porque sabemos leer y escribir, no es así?

Nos sentimos realmente exitosos cuando podemos “Medirlo”

Y aunque Dinero sea el sistema métrico del Exito…

Yo considero que hay algo mas…

y que lo defino como:

Voluntad Absoluta

Quieres algo y lo consigues…

Es así como funciona…

Teniendo una Voluntad Absoluta, o la conciencia de que puedes lograr lo que te propongas cuando te lo propongas…

A Eso Le Llamo Exito

Ahora la pregunta es:

Puedes “Adquirir” Voluntad Absoluta?

La puedes “Entrenar”?

Bueno, sin lugar a duda…

Si, Comienzas, Sigues Adelante (cueste lo que cueste) y Terminas lo que te propones…

Así es en el caso de:

Exito personal y profesional

o puede ser también en:
motivacion Exito personal
superacion personal
motivacion superacion personal

Puedes ver el Episodio 1 de mi nueva serie de videos titulada:

Mi Proyecto de Vida, Los pasos para mejorar mi calidad de vida teniendo un proyecto de vida distinto

En esta serie de videos, explico y muestro paso a paso una forma diferente de vivir y de calidad de vida, basada en ser completamente independiente y que no es muy difícil de lograr, solo hay que querer hacerlo…

Que lo disfrutes!

Puedes visitar my Pagina de Facebook

y también mi canal YouTube. Si te subscribes, podrás recibir notificaciones cuando mis nuevos videos estén publicados.

Work from home Episode 2

Work from home Episode 2:
1 missing piece makes it possible to work from home and be independent

To start Episode 2 of my new Work From Home series, I will ask you to think about what it will be the amount of money you will like to have in your pocket within 1 year…

It could in US dollars, Euros or your own currency, depending where you are are right now…

I’ll give you a second to think about it…

Now, I asked this question to thousands of people around the world today and most of them told me something like

1,000,000 dollars


500,000 dollares

so, my next 2 question were:

Are you making this much right now?

and the answers was no…

Have you ever made this amount before in your life?

and the answer was again no…

Now, the problem here is NOT the amount

Anyone is entitled to “Want” anything or any amount…

The real problem here is that there is NO connection between that amount and what we are capable of doing…

Let me start with a very real example

My own example

I figured at one point that if I could have 5,000 dollars per month in my pocket I could be back on track with my life…
I was not making any money for 2 years and I needed to start making some very quickly…

The question was, how to make money or if I could have work from home jobs or even how to make money online that will allow me to know how to make money fast…

so, that makes it 60,000 dollars per year

In my case, I did make that amount before, in fact I used to make much more than that at my corporate position…

But now, it was different, I was on my own…

so, 60,000 is here

Now, if I have 1,000 people purchasing just 60 dollars each, profit for me, in one year, I will have 60,000 dollars in one year…

Wouldn’t I?


If I have 60 people purchasing a 1,000 dollars each per year, my profit, I will have also 60,000 dollars in one year…

so, looking at this way I can actually choose which number is more comfortable for me…

and that’s the key here, what I’m comfortable of doing

many people at a low number or a few people at a higher number…

You can even look at it as:

60,000 people at 1 dollar each
1 single person at 60,000 dollars

and right now, I can connect with the number because, I have an idea what I’m capable of doing and to be honest, to earn money online isn’t that hard once you know this missing piece…

to offer something of low transaction value to many people or to offer something of high transaction value to a very selected and small number of individuals

Now, this is Step #1 of the 1 missing piece

and it’s called: What’s Your Real Number?

Your number needs to have 2 sides

one side is giving you How Many People and also, What Kind of People, because a person who can afford 60 bucks might not be able to afford a thousand bucks, even if they really need what you have…

That’s the reality…

Now, the second side is giving you the Value or How Much obviously but also, is giving you “The What”…

You need to have something to trade

So, once again, it’s very different a product or service for 60 dollars (your profit), than a 1,000 dollars product or service (your profit)

One More Question

Have you ever seen a coin with only one face or one side?

Work from home Episode 2: 1 missing piece makes it possible to work from home and be independent

It isn’t possible right?

well, for ANY problem you have Right Now, there is a solution at the same time and that solution is with you together with the problem…

I bet you that you have right now something to offer at a good transaction value to a realistic number of people that will be the answer to What’s Your Real Number

What you need to do right now is to take a piece of paper and write down What’s Your Real Number

So, let’s do that…

be very very specific here…

Now, I truly dare you to dream any amount you ever wanted, but then, figure out What’s Your Real Number behind that amount…

You have to feel that you are capable of making it…

Be very comfortable in the number of people that comes out, the amount or transaction value and what is the thing you choose to offer…

That’s what you really need to do right now to start of….

There are thousand ways to make money that you could apply to make money from home…

Working from home is something that we should really learn and develop and transform it into a real online business….

Do that, and watch Work From Home Episode 3, because I will show you the next part of the 1 missing piece that makes it all possible to work from home and be independent and make money online

and the title is:

Making Your Real Number a Reality and finally start making money

Here I will show you how you make it real…

I’m Gabriel Diaz Enrico and thank you very much for watching and if you have any comment that will help me improve or if you have any question, just let me know, I will reply to you…


Bye Bye

How to start a blog and make it into a business Step 1

How to start a blog and make it into a business Step 1:
The most important step for you to know how to start a blog and become really good at it.

I’m starting today a new blog post and a video series titled How to start a blog and make it into a business, and the reason I’m doing this is because yesterday, 14 of March 2016, I decided to start a new day by writing and to make a video about my personal experience and the topic was:

Work from home dream come true

That video and the post are now live for about 20 hours or so and here it’s what happened:

I posted the video on my Facebook Fun Page and within a few hours of posting it I received 2 comments…

One comment from a lady from The Philippines asking my opinion about how she could go about her business…

and the second person is telling me how my video that I posted just 22 hours earlier, has inspired him to start his own blog, which he was thinking about for a long time…

so, why am I saying this to you?

Because the most important step for you to know how to start a blog and become really good at it, is to start with something that you love to do, and that you have no problem, nor it represents any issue for you to start Right Now…

You can start writing about anything you like, you love or anything that you may think someone will be really interested to hear about…

Let me explain how to start a blog works:

Most of us will be very worry about the technicalities… how to “Build” the blog…

I know that because I though in that way and guess what, I failed miserably for a long time…

at this initial point we don’t need to worry about about the technical aspects of it, which by the way, that’s the easiest part of knowing how to start a blog…

The hardest part is to actually “Connect” with yourself, to know what you really want and what people want as well…

So in other words, I summers it into 2 steps only:

#1- What I love or I’m SUPER comfortable and passionate to write about.
#2- To check if others are interested about the topic. (Which I’m showing you on this video how to do…)

In short, if you know something right now or you’d like to know more about, and if that’s helpful to others to solve whatever the would like to solve…

You are in business…

This is key and the most important step for you to know how to start a blog and become really good at it.

This is a short summary of the video playing above…

I recommend that you go through it till the end because I include how you can check if others are interested in any topic you might like to blog about and also I show some of my results in visits and the dollars it represents for me month after month…

My final recommendation is that you go to my YouTube Channel and subscribe to it so, you will receive a notification of all the new episodes from the several video series I’m producing…

I’m Gabriel Diaz Enrico and if you have any comment that it could help me improve what I’m doing or any question that you might need my help with, just let me know…


Bye Bye


Work from home dream come true Episode 1

How I quit my job to be completely Independent and work from home

In 2010 I decided to quit my position as a General Manager at a large Japanese corporation based in South East Asia to be independent and work from home…

And the main reason was:

My first child was about to be born and my life up to that point was not mine, it was devoted to the company…

So, it was a choice between my career and the financial benefits it provided and my family, freedom and my health

How hard it could be to be independent and to work from home?, I asked myself…

I can do this anytime… I said it to my self over and over…

Well, in 2 years, I spent all our savings and at one point my wife had to fly back to our hometown to be with her parents because I could not provide for them…

But I was not going to get a job anymore…

I was going to make it, I was really determined…

and how I started?…

I opened a page in google and typed

How to make money online

exactly that…

and from there on I never stopped…

I made so many mistakes, I’ve got involved in so many scams and false promises, I followed so many fakes out there selling dreams for a couple of bucks and reached to a point where I was so confused that I even thought to give up completely and get back in track with my career…

But finally by 2012 all the mistakes I made up to that point, started to pay off…

I created my first membership platform and the first day I opened It…

I made $27.88

But to me, it felt like I made a million bucks really…

and the way I did it was very very simple…

I just did what I loved to do…

I lived in Asia for almost 20 years and I studied part time alternative and natural medicine because I can’t stand how our Doctors are part of that big huge business of health…

So, I took that knowledge and passion I had and I started a blog with a membership model behind, where people could subscribe for a monthly fee accessing the premium content I had…

That simple…

The funny thing is that I had that idea since I quit my job back in 2010

and it took me 2 years and all my money to really pay attention to it…

and it was all because I was so afraid about what people would say…

what about if I wasn’t that good?…

That was my fear…

not being good enough at it and to fail…

but I was failing even worse up to that point anyway…

Everything I did, I screwed up big time…

and I’m really glad that happened to me

because that woke up from that dream of being perfect

that I had to please everyone and to be concerned about what others would say about what did…

Screw that…

It was over…

Then, everything started to happen for me…

at that point and not before…

So if you ask me, this is what I did:

#1- I Started to do what I loved to do, nothing else…
#2- I followed through no matter what happened, all in, like there is no tomorrow…
#3- I finished the platform completely even I had all the doubts in world and I put it live for others to access it…

and that day I was so anxious and exited at the same time that I couldn’t stand it…

and the result on that first day of $27.88 confirmed that I was in the right path…

it was not the amount, I didn’t care about the amount really…

It was that I knew how to do it…

So today, I’m completely independent, I don’t have to depend on anyone for money

I earn more today than I did before as a corporate guy

and to me it’s like I don’t work…

Because I love to do what I do…

like this video for example…

nobody told me to do it…

I woke up this morning and I’m here making this video…

I don’t know who is going to view it or even listen to it yet…

but I’m doing it…

and this is the first video of a series of videos that will show exactly what I did to start of and how anyone can quit their job and start being completely independent and work from home…

I’m Gabriel Diaz Enrico and thank you very much for watching and if you have any comment that will help me improve or if you have any question, just let me know, I will reply to you…


Bye Bye

My YouTube Cannel is here to watch more videos

Success Is Right In Front Of You

You have experienced Success Before…

Success Is Right In Front Of You

You know how to Read & Write because you applied a very simple series of steps:

1st, You Started.
2nd, You Followed All The Steps Required and You Didn’t Question The Process.
and 3rd You Finished.

Success Requires Just 3 Very Simple Steps

Success Is Right In Front Of You

The most interesting thing is this:

You Had to Put Up Step 1 and Step 3 all by yourself…

but Step 2 required a Sound Process to follow…

Now, we don’t really feel successful because we know how to read and write, don’t we?…

We do feel Successful when we Measure ourselves to a Higher Value

And it doesn’t have to be only Money

Money is undoubtedly the main Metric System for Success

But There Is Something More…

And I Define it as:

Absolute Will

You Want It, You Get It…

That’s How It Works…

Having Absolute Will, or a complete awareness that You Can When You Must

Then You Do Have Success

Now, the question is:

Could You Acquire Absolute Will?

Can you train it?

Well, I Say Without A Doubt: You Can

If You Start, Follow Through & Finish…

Can You Succeed In Just 14 Days?



Facebook Likes For Less Than 0.01¢?

1,324 Facebook Likes For Less That 0.01¢ Each



Reaching 6,138 People for just $6.28 in just 24 hours

Using Facebook and reaching 6,138 People for just $6.28 in just 24 hours



How the Way You Feel Affects Every Result You Have

Success Over Failure

Earlier this year, Rodrigo, a great personal coach I know, mentioned to me about a close friend he had…

Federico, had a tremendous run years past as a local Actor, Musician and Entertainer…

He was and still is a famous comedian, appearing at main Cable and TV channels as well as Theatres and important events in the region I live…

Federico’s story is very exiting, full of great success and he was at a time a role model for many youngsters growing up in our community…

However, Federico’s fate had a big twist when he lost everything he had and went into a large debt due to a financial mismanagement…

He was not only broke now, he was in a Millionaire Level Debt…

Rodrigo wanted me to have a session with Federico, because he knew I could help him to make sense of his situation…

So, I agreed to meet up with Federico and here it’s what I could see when I talked to him for the first time:

He was like a large and majestic tree, chopped down into pieces laying down in the forest…

He is actually very funny and supper creative when you talk to him in person, that’s his true talent, no doubt about it…

He has that special touch…

Read more